Like a moth to a flame I was drawn to Bikram Yoga in 2005 and began teaching in 2006.

Louisa took her first yoga class at Bikram Yoga of Corvallis in about 2006 after her friend and boss at the time kept encouraging her to go.

Louisa took her first yoga class at Bikram Yoga of Corvallis in about 2006 after her friend and boss at the time kept encouraging her to go.

As a teacher and a practitioner of hot yoga, I encourage a strong connection to the awareness of breath.
It took me many years of practice before I truly realized how important this is. What finally dawned on me was that if I could control my breathing I could then exert influence over my body and eventually over my mind, as well. I have devoted myself to regular practice for many years and every time I step into the room I am grateful for the chance to do so. I first encountered this yoga in 2007 after a friend challenged me to get through one single class. That first class was tough and life-changing because I quickly sensed that this yoga, this specific set of postures in this specific environment, would help me heal and keep my body healthy for the rest of my life. So I went back and have been going back regularly since that time and love the yoga journey that has unfolded over the years. As a teacher now, I draw inspiration from the focus and dedication that I see from our students every day in the room.